Quote van de Dag: Ayaan Hirsi Ali liegt
”Imagine if a leader within the tea party movement were able to persuade its members to establish a third political party. Imagine he succeeded —overwhelmingly— and that as their leader he stood a real chance of winning the presidency. Then imagine that in anticipation of his electoral victory, the Democrats and Republicans quickly modified an existing antidiscrimination law so that he could be convicted for statements he made on the campaign trail.
All of this seems impossible in a 21st-century liberal democracy. But it is exactly what is happening in Holland to Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders.”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali liegt zich een potje in de rondte in de Wall Street Journal om maar duidelijk te maken dat de gevestigde politiek nergens voor terugschrikt om Geert Wilders af te stoppen. Stijgt de truthiness van haar werkgever, de conservatieve denktank AEI haar nu eindelijk helemaal naar het hoofd?