Beelden van de Griekse crisis
We hebben veel artikelen over de eurocrisis en af en toe gelukkig ook een stuk over hoe de crisis huishoudt in Griekenland. Deze foto’s zijn van de Griekse fotograaf SpaceShoe [learning to live with the crisis]. Hij documenteert, met de nodige treurnis, hoe zijn land afglijdt. Hij schrijft: ,,In the past two years Greece faces a humanitarian disaster. I spoke to an old person who had lived through the occupation of Greece from the Nazis. He just saw hundreds of people gathering to a place where farmers gave their products for free. Poor people who used to have jobs, who now face huge difficulties to survive each day. He was crying as he was describing the image. He told me, “I never thought I would live to see the same reality again, but here I am”.
The winter this year in Greece is harsh. It is harsh because according to the official statistics unemployment is over 20%. In reality, it is more than 30%. It is harsh because prices keep on rising but salaries keep on going down. If there is a salary. If there is a job.
The homeless population in Greece has doubled over the past 2 years. I am certain that there would be many more homeless if “family” didn’t play such an important role in Greece. In the absence of the state, “family” is the last shelter.