OPROEP - Zijn er conservatieve of (moderne) liberale auteurs die tegenwoordig nog de moeite van het lezen waard zijn? Ik geloof er zo langzamerhand niets meer van.
Rick Perlstein, journalist en chroniqueur van het moderne Amerikaanse conservatisme, schreef onlangs in The Nation:
Last November I received a friendly request from an editor at a political publication. A liberal himself, surrounded by liberal colleagues, he wanted to make sure that the journalists he was hiring were not drawn exclusively from the left. He wondered if I might help him out with a list of “conservative reporters, writers and commentators” whom I admired most. “Who on the right does the best job of covering politics or the economy or anything else, for that matter, in a thoughtful, fair and accurate way?”
Maybe if I had a time machine and could travel back to the 1970s or 1980s, I could name names. Now, though, I can’t think of a single one.
There are no more honest conservatives, so stop looking for one, is, kort gezegd, de boodschap die Perlstein wil uitdragen.
Aha, weer zo’n zure linksert die hopeloos ongenuanceerd de sterke kanten van het conservatisme of liberalisme weigert te benoemen!