Dijsselbloem vs. Varoufakis
In een al wat ouder, maar nog steeds lezenswaardig artikel probeert Pepijn Brandon de houding van Dijsselbloem ten opzichte van de Griekse minister van financiën Yanis Varoufakis te verklaren:
But there is another dimension to this, more political and important for the future of the Left in Europe and the Netherlands. The promise of the Syriza government represents everything that postwar social democracy no longer is, and cannot return to. Underlying Dijsselbloem’s career is the perspective that at best, contemporary progressive politics can only be a variant of conservative politics with slightly more scruples.
As long as he remains defiant, and despite the limitations of his government’s agenda, Varoufakis represents an alternative to this position. The European right will detest this with unvarnished brutality. But it is mainstream social democracy that will feel the electoral repercussions most directly, and therefore is most bitter in its response.