In de jaren '90 wisten we - wetenschappers, politici, Big Oil - het allang: de aarde warmt op en dat komt door de mens. In 1992 werden tijdens de Rio Earth Summit afspraken gemaakt voor de klimaatconferenties, de eerste COP was in 1995 in Berlijn. In 1998 maakte duo 4hero samen met spoken word-artiest Ursula Rucker het nummer 'Loveless' waarin de sterren elkaar het verhaal van “my sister afar”, moeder aarde, vertellen.
And this, this is her story:
Sister Moon
Hear me now
I feel my end too soon, too soon!
My wounds
Are deep
Can't believe, refused to believe
My children had no feelings
For me
Them sealing a fate of early death and destruction
Watch my my foolish daughters and sons
As they
Kill me
Kill me
Kill me
But I'll continue to spin
Until my curious home sapien
Offspring pay the price for their sins
Against my tainted tears, my breathless breath and once-fertile skins
My sons are million-murderers
They kill - I kill one million plus
I never wanted to hurt my children but our creator makes me take revenge
It's the circle of life -
Or at least
It was
(volledige tekst hier)