Weinig bereikt op eurotop

De eurotop lijkt succesvol, ondanks het machteloze gestamp van Engeland. Toch zijn de echte problemen nog steeds niet aangepakt, denkt onderzoeker Simon Tilford. Misschien zijn de problemen juist vergroot door nog meer politieke instabiliteit te veroorzaken. The UK’s decision to marginalise itself by vetoing a new EU-27 treaty has dominated the post-summit media coverage. And for good reason – it could prove a big step towards UK withdrawal from the EU. However, the bigger question is whether the agreement reached at the summit will do anything to address the fundamentals of the euro crisis. Unfortunately, the news on this point is just as bad. This summit will go down as yet another missed opportunity. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the summit suggests that policy-makers have not yet taken on board the seriousness of the eurozone’s predicament. There was no agreement to close any of the institutional gaps in the eurozone, such as the lack of either a real fiscal union or a pan-eurozone backstop to the banking sector. There was no agreement to boost the firepower of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF), while the move to beef up the IMF’s finances fall far short of what is needed. As a result, there is little to prevent a further deepening of the crisis. What has been agreed falls far short of a ‘fiscal union’.

Door: Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Lezen: Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland, door Daan Nijssen

In Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland beschrijft Daan Nijssen, die op Sargasso de reeks ‘Verloren Oudheid‘ verzorgde, de geschiedenis van Mesopotamië. Rond 670 v.Chr. hadden de Assyriërs een groot deel van wat we nu het Midden-Oosten noemen verenigd in een wereldrijk, met Mesopotamië als kernland. In 612 v.Chr. brachten de Babyloniërs en de Meden deze grootmacht ten val en kwam onder illustere koningen als Nebukadnessar en Nabonidus het Babylonische Rijk tot bloei.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Engeland zet zichzelf buitenspel

Het dwarsliggen van Engeland op de eurotop kan het land nog wel eens duur komen te staan, denkt Charles Grant, onderzoeker bij het Centre for European Reform.

The outcome of the Brussels summit on December 8th and 9th is a disaster for the UK and also threatens the integrity of the single market. For more than 50 years, a fundamental principle of Britain’s foreign policy has been to be present when EU bodies take decisions, so that it can influence the outcome. David Cameron, the prime minister, has abandoned that policy. Britain will not take part in a new fiscal compact that most other EU countries will join.

France and Germany have persuaded the other eurozone countries that treaty changes are needed to enshrine stricter budget policies and closer economic policy co-ordination. The new procedures would apply only to countries in the euro. Most member-states wanted to enact those reforms through amending the existing EU treaties. That would ensure that countries in the euro, and those outside, would be subject to a single set of rules and institutions.

But Britain blocked that deal, pushing France, Germany and most other member-states to proceed with a new treaty, to sit alongside the EU treaties. The new treaty may face difficulties: the Irish may hold a referendum on it and could easily vote no. But Paris and Berlin are determined to press ahead with the fiscal compact and if the Irish vote against it they are likely to find themselves excluded.

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