The Presurfer | Lying eyes

You have two eyes. Each eye sees a slightly different world. Put a finger in front of your face, switch from one eye open to the other and that finger will shift, just a little bit. But rather than walk around all day seeing in double vision, your brain pulls the world back into one-ness. Brains decide what we see. Kokichi Sugihara knows this better than anyone. He makes videos that trick your brain into seeing things that you know, you absolutely know, can't happen. Meer verstrooiing bij The Presurfer

Door: Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Journal of rejection

Did you write a book, an article, or a document? You can send your manuscript to the Journal of Universal Rejection. But remember, the founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection is rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected.

After submitting your work, the Editor-in-Chief will reject it without even reading it. At other times your manuscript may be sent to anonymous referees. Unless they are the Editor-in-Chief’s wife or graduate school buddies, it is unlikely that the referees will even understand what is going on.

Lezen: De wereld vóór God, door Kees Alders

De wereld vóór God – Filosofie van de oudheid, geschreven door Kees Alders, op Sargasso beter bekend als Klokwerk, biedt een levendig en compleet overzicht van de filosofie van de oudheid, de filosofen van vóór het christendom. Geschikt voor de reeds gevorderde filosoof, maar ook zeker voor de ‘absolute beginner’.

In deze levendige en buitengewoon toegankelijke introductie in de filosofie ligt de nadruk op Griekse en Romeinse denkers. Bekende filosofen als Plato en Cicero passeren de revue, maar ook meer onbekende namen als Aristippos en Carneades komen uitgebreid aan bod.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Blobitecture

They might perhaps be at risk of coming across like characters in a scene from a certain Monty Python film, but some people still insist on asking the question what have computers ever done for us?

One mooted answer could certainly be blobitecture (or, blobism, blobismus or blob architecture) for this architectural term could not have become reality without them.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Fly your own helicopter

Fly in a Helicopter over Nimmo Bay Fishing & Wilderness Resort and a 150 mile track of the Beautiful British Columbia coastal mainland. Hover over pristine waterfalls, race down rivers and over oceans, explore 10,000 year old glaciers, forests, snow capped mountains reaching through clouds and amazing fishing spots secluded and hidden away from the world.

You can control the view of the camera the whole time. Look up, down, and completely behind you by clicking and dragging on the video once it is playing.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Mammoth

Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time. The researchers will try to revive the species by obtaining tissue this summer from the carcass of a mammoth preserved in a Russian research laboratory.

Under the plan, the nuclei of mammoth cells will be inserted into an elephant’s egg cell from which the nuclei have been removed, to create an embryo containing mammoth genes. The embryo will then be inserted into an elephant’s uterus in the hope that the animal will eventually give birth to a baby mammoth.

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Lezen: Mohammed, door Marcel Hulspas

Wie was Mohammed? Wat dreef hem? In deze vlot geschreven biografie beschrijft Marcel Hulspas de carrière van de de Profeet Mohammed. Hoe hij uitgroeide van een eenvoudige lokale ‘waarschuwer’ die de Mekkanen opriep om terug te keren tot het ware geloof, tot een man die zichzelf beschouwde als de nieuwste door God gezonden profeet, vergelijkbaar met Mozes, Jesaja en Jezus.

Mohammed moest Mekka verlaten maar slaagde erin een machtige stammencoalitie bijeen te brengen die, geïnspireerd door het geloof in de ene God (en zijn Profeet) westelijk Arabië veroverde. En na zijn dood stroomden de Arabische legers oost- en noordwaarts, en schiepen een nieuw wereldrijk.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Streets om Monaco

billion dollar yacht

This could possibly be the world’s first billion dollar yacht. A UK yacht designer, Yacht Island Design, has drawn plans for a four-level, 500-ft. city on the sea called ‘Streets of Monaco, which is being modeled after the European enclave, a space for millionaires and billionaires alike.

On the top deck, there will be scaled-down versions of uber famous Monaco landmarks like the Hotel de Paris, Monte Carlo Casino, Café de Paris, Loews Hotel, and La Rascasse. The real pinchers are a fully-functional go-kart circuit track based on the Monoco Grand Prix race track, complete with a tunnel complex, and the submarine and helipad.

And not to mention, the standard multiple swimming pools, swim-in Jacuzzi bar, multi-use sports court for tennis and basketball, dance hall, spa and hair salon, and accommodations for 16 guests and 70 staff members. The main apartment for the yacht owner is spread over three floors and covers 4,800 sq. ft

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Green spaceblob

Green space blob

The Hubble Space Telescope has zoomed in on one of the most fascinating, yet mysterious, cosmic objects to be found in recent years. The green gaseous structure is known as Hanny’s Voorwerp (Hanny’s Object in Dutch) and its existence had astronomers confused for some time.

Discovered in 2007 by Hanny van Arkel, a Dutch schoolteacher participating in the Galaxy Zoo project, the object defied explanation. Now, Hubble has managed to capture a detailed view of the intergalactic oddity, revealing that it’s not just a dead cloud of gas being lit up by the dying embers of an ancient quasar, it’s showing signs of star birth.

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Lezen: De BVD in de politiek, door Jos van Dijk

Tot het eind van de Koude Oorlog heeft de BVD de CPN in de gaten gehouden. Maar de dienst deed veel meer dan spioneren. Op basis van nieuw archiefmateriaal van de AIVD laat dit boek zien hoe de geheime dienst in de jaren vijftig en zestig het communisme in Nederland probeerde te ondermijnen. De BVD zette tot tweemaal toe personeel en financiële middelen in voor een concurrerende communistische partij. BVD-agenten hielpen actief mee met geld inzamelen voor de verkiezingscampagne. De regering liet deze operaties oogluikend toe. Het parlement wist van niets.

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