Voormalig leider Republikeinen Huis van Afgevaardigden wordt Wall Street-bankier
Eric Cantor werd dit voorjaar in een Republikeinse voorverkiezing verslagen door de een of andere Tea Party-malloot, stapte daardoor voortijdig op en wordt nu dus bankier.
Wat gaat hij precies doen? Simpel:
So that’s the main thing. Cantor is there as a show of importance. Important people like to deal with other important people, and every important person Moelis hires makes it more likely that other important people will deal with them. Important people with important piles of money to be spent on important advisory fees. It’s a simple business, but it’s the business they’ve chosen.
Beyond the importance peddling, is there influence peddling? Ehh sure probably. “Hire us for your merger because our vice chairman is important” is a perfectly reasonable sales pitch. “Hire us for your merger because our vice chairman knows a lot of people in Washington and can probably get you through antitrust approval” is … also a good pitch, no? That’s probably some part of what “advise clients on strategic matters” means.