De anti-luchtverontreinigingsfilm Under the Dome, die in China 'viral' ging met meer dan 100 miljoen views binnen de eerste 24 uur, is plotseling uit de berichtgeving van de staatsmedia geschrapt.
Aanvankelijk leek de film nog op de steun van de autoriteiten en de staatsmedia te kunnen rekenen, zo wijdde de People's Daily alleen al tientallen berichten aan de maakster Chai Jing, maar nadat de autoriteiten op 3 maart een richtlijn over de behandeling van de film uitvaardigden, verdween de berichtgeving als de zon achter de smog:
Media and websites of all types and levels (including Weibo, WeChat, and news portals) must absolutely discontinue coverage of the documentary “Under the Dome” and its creator, as well as reports, commentaries, interviews, and special topics that concern or extend to this film and its creator. Websites and services that have already carried content must take down special features or clamp down on the backend. Discontinue reporting on discussions related to certain departments and work units concerned with this film. Strengthen management of forums, blogs, Weibo, WeChat, and other interactive platforms, and resolutely block and delete speech that uses this as an opportunity to cast doubt or attack the government.
The above notice is only to be in the hands of propaganda management departments and those who are in charge of media organizations. Do not send this up the line. While carrying out these instructions, take care to maintain secrecy.