“The President is in our Constitution like the sun, firmly centred, provides life to the universe….. This supreme authority has to be perpetual and on a permanent basis”
Aldus het parlementslid Carlos Escarra van Venezuela over de aanstaande veranderingen in de grondwet aldaar.
Via een contact in Venezuela ontvingen wij een vertaalde versie van een redactioneel commentaar uit Journal La Nación van Costa Rica gedateerd 23 augustus. Hieronder de integrale tekst.
Dictatorial Warlordship
With his constitutional reform, Chávez comes nearer to a dictatorship.
The axis to his master plan is to concentrate a “perpetual” centralized power, devoid of any counterbalancing power.
Journal La Nación Costa Rica 23/08/07
The constitutional reform project, presented on August 15th to the National Assembly by the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, is totally unrelated with his so called “Socialism of the XXI th. century”, as he has been proclaiming it for some time now. On the contrary, it deals with one additional step y the slow, but persistent, inroad towards a dictatorship. This is achieved through a practically absolute centralisation of power on the Presidency as well as the attempt to maintain himself in power on a definitive basis. In other words, instituting an irresponsible and authoritarian populist warlord, that implies a very severe setback in his country politics and therefore of the hemisphere.