The revolving door in Brussels

Wederom een bijdrage van Brussels Sunshine. The German weekly WirtschaftsWoche earlier this week revealed that former Enterprise Commissioner Verheugen has set up his own EU lobby consultancy firm, The European Experience Company. Verheugen started the new firm in April 2010, just two months after he ended his term as Commissioner, but never informed the Commission about this. According to Wirtschaftswoche the Commission is now investigating whether Verheugen has violated the Code of Conduct for Commissioners. WirtschaftsWoche quotes Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Inge Gräßle who comments that this will mean that “now, anyone with money can buy access to the institutions through Verheugen”. “The Commission must start considering how it can protect itself against ex-Commissioners,” Gräßle told WirtschaftsWoche. The issue has led to significant controversy covered in German andAustrian press. In Thursday’s edition of the German daily Handelsblatt, co-director of European Experience Company Petra Erler (who is also Verheugen’s former head of Cabinet) makes a clumsy and unconvincing attempt to counter the criticism. Verheugen is one of six Commissioners from the previous Barroso Commissionthat have moved into private sector jobs that might entail conflicts of interest (out of 13 Commissioners that left in February).

Door: Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

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Lezen: De wereld vóór God, door Kees Alders

De wereld vóór God – Filosofie van de oudheid, geschreven door Kees Alders, op Sargasso beter bekend als Klokwerk, biedt een levendig en compleet overzicht van de filosofie van de oudheid, de filosofen van vóór het christendom. Geschikt voor de reeds gevorderde filosoof, maar ook zeker voor de ‘absolute beginner’.

In deze levendige en buitengewoon toegankelijke introductie in de filosofie ligt de nadruk op Griekse en Romeinse denkers. Bekende filosofen als Plato en Cicero passeren de revue, maar ook meer onbekende namen als Aristippos en Carneades komen uitgebreid aan bod.