Authoritarianism is defeated by offering people the lives they want to live (not by prosecutors, scandals, judges, or celebrity tweets). So. How do we defeat authoritarianism? If you understand all the above, it’s pretty simple: offer people a sense of meaning, purpose, dignity, self-worth, community, belonging, optimism again. Craft a social contract made of public goods whose goal is to endow people with all the above. Nothing else is going to work — you might “bring down” one strongman, but broken people are seeking strength, and they’ll just turn to the next one.
Uit een interessante beschouwing over de bedreiging van de democratische orde en het onvermogen om te leren van de geschiedenis. Geschreven door Umair Hague, op het door hem opgerichte Eudaimonia & Co.
In ‘Seven Lessons We Should Have Learned From History — But Didn’t (How Societies Self-Destruct)’ beschrijft Umair Haque hoe armoede tot autoritarisme, fatalisme en extremisme leidt. Daar is een remedie tegen:
Authoritarianism is defeated by a better social contract — not by bickering with it over its daily transgressions.
Umair Haque is ook de auteur van 'The New Capitalist Manifesto: Building a Disruptively Better Business' (2011).