GC’s ZondagMatinee: Jill Bolte Taylor

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

In GC’s Zondag Matinee elke week speciaal voor uw kijkgenot een fascinerende documentaire, een spraakmakend TV-programma of een bijzonder (leuk) cabaretfragment.

In het matinee deze zondag geven we Jill Bolte Taylor, een vooraanstaande Amerikaanse onderzoekster in de neuroanatomie, het woord. In 1996 kreeg Taylor een hersenbloeding en naar eigen zeggen was ze zich geheel bewust van wat er met haar lichaam gebeurde, zodat ze de effecten van haar hersenbloeding gedetailleerd kon omschrijven. Na deze hersenbloeding heeft ze (logischerwijs) eerst moeten vechten om haar capaciteiten en lichaamsfuncties weer terug te krijgen. Daarna heeft ze de mogelijkheid aangegrepen om de hersenen te bestuderen die ze het beste kent: die van haarzelf.

One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened – as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding – she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another

The brain is an amazing, resilient organ, much of which still remains a mystery to science [..] How many brain scientists have been able to study the brain from the inside out? I’ve gotten as much out of this experience of losing my left mind as I have in my entire academic career.

Reacties (1)

#1 Laurina

I recommend Amazon as the place to get Jill Bolte Taylor’s book MY STROKE OF INSIGHT because they have a wonderful interview with her on Amazon that offers new content I haven’t seen anywhere else – that link is: http://www.amazon.com/My-Stroke-Insight-Scientists-Personal/dp/0670020745/ref=pd_bbs_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1211471755&sr=1-2

The book is an absolutely wonderful journey by a brain scientist who suffered a stroke. She recovered fully, back to teaching at Medical School no less (and she gives great tips on how and what to do to recover from a Stroke or help others recover).

Dr Taylor also learned to fully be present in the part of the brain/mind where we experience full inner peace and Nirvana. SHe teaches that too, and that’s why everyone should read this book.

This story is as inspiring as The Last Lecture or Tuesdays with Morrie – and it has a Happy Ending!