Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Dit vreemde verhaal plukte ik van een mailinglist af, best wel een bizar verhaal eigenlijk:

For a while now I’ve been employed by a company that leases office space on top of one of KPN’s bigger datacenters – Cybercenter Schiphol, to be
We also have some racks on a data floor. Today found me putting
a pair of Cisco Catalyst 3550 switches into one particular rack. I’m
(proudly) wearing one of my HAL2001 FHQ t-shirts (the black ones, with
the “Staatsgevaarlijke Anarchisten” text on the front).

Halfway I notice I forgot some rackmounting materials so I walk back to
my office to retrieve it. Halfway across a large empty space on the
data floor I pass Hans Schreuders, manager of this particular
datacenter. He stops me and says “Hi, I don’t want you to wear this
particular T-shirt anymore.”

I’m too flabbergasted to think of an appropriate retort. In a daze I
wait for the elevator. Later I hear from a co-worker that Hans has
actually notified him that I shouldn’t wear such T-shirts in the future.

These people are *so* out of touch. Telling a customer what to wear?
Helloooo, anybody home??

I’m tempted to write this up into HTML, put it online and somehow make
sure that throwing `kpn’ into Google makes you end up there.

So, whenever you’re dealing with KPN – you know the dresscode!
(and I’ll be wearing a UUNET shirt to work tomorrow)


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