Bigfoot voorbij: de kunst van cryptozoölogie

De zoektocht naar onbekende dieren is een ware wetenschap. Een vraaggesprek met Karl Shuker, die er onlangs een boek over schreef. Het interview is afgenomen door Mongabay. Anyone who doubts cryptozoology, which in Greek means the "study of hidden animals," should remember the many lessons of the past 110 years: the mountain gorilla (discovered in 1902), the colossal squid (discovered in 1925, but a full specimen not caught until 1981), and the saola (discovered in 1992) to name a few. Every year, almost 20,000 new species are described by the world's scientists, and a new book by Dr. Karl Shuker, The Encycloapedia of New and Rediscovered Animals, highlights some of the most incredible and notable new animals uncovered during the past century. In an interview with, Shuker says the top three zoological discoveries since 1900 would have to be the okapi, the coelacanth, and the saola, also known as the Vu Quang ox. His book highlights these three discoveries along with hundreds of others, including species discovered as recently as last year.

Door: Foto: copyright ok. Gecheckt 23-09-2022

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