Emil Möller

18 Artikelen
Achtergrond: Jay Huang (cc)
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives 5

I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.” [Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes] In an effort of adding something worth while to any discourse, I experience myself as being saturated in perspectives.

With anything I read, think, write there are always endless perspectives present. I can bring them to the fore of my consciousness, or leave them. Interweave them with perspectives of others or with perspectives I used to have, could have, should have, or should not have. My choice. Or is it?

Post modernism can be seen as coming in 2 flavors:

– Critical. All perspectives (especially the so called ‘grand narratives’, with claims for meaning and truth), are interchangeable, reality is an arbitrary construction / illusion. So let the world run down like the second law of thermodynamics predicts and sleep it off till then. The reader is invited to explore how current policies fit in this model (without explicitly wanting or knowing so, but effectively bringing it about nevertheless) – Affirmative. This states that the predicament we’re in as a world now is due to the fact that our narratives weren’t ‘
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives 4

Under the adagium ‘less is more’, the following is an attempt to tempt the reader

‘One EV at a time’ gets us started:

– in the US (here) – in Israel (here) – in Denmark (here) – anywhere (here)

With the next station becoming self evident:

– CCS being more expensive (here) – nuclear taking too long (here) – the sun delivering always (here)

Delivering abundant fresh water for all:

– aqua csp (here)

There’s beauty in simplicity

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives 3

As can be read, or at least deduced, anywhere:
current policies & perspectives don’t work.
It took me 3 years of nearly full time study
and hands on experience to reach this conclusion
We can continue our path of blogging, talking,
reporting and conferring and we’ll just add CO2

what we can do

is take a next step
It’s an invitation to become like children again. To ask ourselves simple questions: ‘who am I, what is my work?’ And act according to the answers we find.
To look at the deeds of those we now more or less allow to run/ruin our society. Skip their and our words. Then start acting as if you and the world we live in matter.
See the results of your work as the result of play and treat them lightheartedly. This makes your best efforts resilient. slow slow slow slow slow slow slow it’s easy, when you slow down a bit

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives 2

Native Perspectives After demands for a more accessible style, this:

  • [when a word/phrase is a link and points to a generic site, please use 'ctrl + f' to enter word/phrase to arrive at intended location]
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives 1

Native PerspectivesSpreadsheet style thinking adds comfort. Silly, but still.

Ones tribe (family, neighborhood, organization, faculty, hobby or life style club) reconfirms ones functional fit and that plasters over most inconveniences.

Unfortunately, society on any level is chaotic. For any phenomenon there, including sustainability and resilience, only an aqal approach makes it fruitfully addressable. Anything less results in dead ends. Also in the Netherlands.

And since, for example, Sachs doesn’t seem take into current power arrangements, his approach will run aground on bau.
As the man from Boulder would have it, all this is ‘true, but partial’.

That’s why it would be appropriate to aqally use the best tools we have For example: grab a chair and 1,5 hours and open your mind, heart, will

Then look atnpcar.jpg , npcop.jpg and the man from SAP

Consider that utilities are eager & car makers willy nilly moving somewhat. Once moving, there’s hope.

Then perhaps a platform can be wrought for a system change.

This has the potential to take your soul for a ride, resembling your ass on three wheels.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Native Perspectives (Aankondiging)

Emil Möller is promovendus op de Universiteit van Maastricht en hij zet zich zich in voor de transitie naar een duurzame samenleving. Vanaf volgende week zal hij het “Duurzaamheids / Innovatie Journaal: Native Perspectives” op Sargasso publiceren.
Het Native Perspectives Journaal houdt u op de hoogte van de ontwikkellingen en achtergronden op het gebied van duurzame energie en innovatie. Waarom verloopt verduurzaming zoveel trager dan wenselijk en mogelijk? En wat kan er in concreto aan gedaan worden in het kader van systeemverandering? Hieronder publiceren wij een tekst van Emil waarin hij het idee achter Native Perspectives uitlegt. De Sargasso redactie vond het een pittige tekst maar wij zouden u de lezer te kort doen als wij voor u zouden gaan bepalen dat het te ingewikkeld is. Volgende week start linkdump journaal Native Perspectives in haar eigenlijke vorm (iedere dinsdag om 13.00).

Native Perspectives

All the world’s a stage and we all play our roles [i]

As with the caterpillar in the process of becoming a butterfly [ii]:

break through and add a dimension to your life [iii], or a break down and become a mess of sorts [iv].

This iteration not local, but global. Inviting the privileged (us) into meaning: who are we and what is our work? [v] For intellectuals, see for example Gouldner [vi], George [vii] and Chomsky [viii]
