Verbrand op het werk? Smeer er maar mosterd op!

Amerikaanse McDonalds-medewerkers die zich verbranden, melden dat hen wordt verteld om maar mosterd op hun brandwonden te smeren. Gisteren dienden medewerkers 28 klachten in bij de Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Hoe bizar het ook klinkt, het schijnt geen uitzondering te zijn:

These workers aren’t alone in suffering or witnessing serious burns on the job: According to a survey conducted by Hart Research Associates on behalf of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, 87 percent of fast food workers have been injured on the job in the past year, and 79 percent have been burned on the job. Even among workers who don’t work in the kitchen, the burn rate is 61 percent. The workers cite pressure to work too fast, understaffing, missing or damaged protective equipment, and broken or damaged kitchen equipment. More than a third of workers surveyed said their fast food restaurant didn’t have a decent first aid kit, and more than 60 percent of workers in such restaurants said their burns were not appropriately treated, with condiments being a very common manager suggestion for treatment.

Only in America…?

Reacties (1)

#1 Inkwith Barubador

Ja maar, vrije markt, he. Ga je maar ergens anders werken als het je niet bevalt.


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