“whatever happen”,dont let it go out of my hands.
Michael de aartsengel is deafh,his works are not..not even,a second, like spinoza;the only dutch man ever…walk,timeless like..artist…visionary;always tune in; to console.
That means a whole off a lot…
De kleine dingen die het doen; no matter to talj about; what?
Allleen al dat gitaartje is splendid; no eye contact..needed…BUT, language,
words, and the eyes….are just…a matter of SOUL.TOO see/feel/hear/Stay in touch…
Its a big HONEUR;
all children who love,you;
all sporters and players basket and baseball; you would
like but could not;
we lover U
enternalty pure soul
and love children a proper way..pure they are..and act..no manners.
And old scool rap’Last poets”
We ,every cpuntry in the whole wide world know and love u, for truth;
cause U catched,therm in the bright eye;and deep douwn, bright soul;
KING; Of the movements;
” u say that im; YES U are a king,..if noty in these dirty world there willbe,
a rightkmingdom for u;4 ever…in puerto di ojes…
passado, nostre corazon.
is no crime;onl from dirty minds;;them own!
Reacties (5)
“whatever happen”,dont let it go out of my hands.
Michael de aartsengel is deafh,his works are not..not even,a second, like spinoza;the only dutch man ever…walk,timeless like..artist…visionary;always tune in; to console.
That means a whole off a lot…
De kleine dingen die het doen; no matter to talj about; what?
Spoken pictures…
no mattee what they say;we know and live the truth,from our youth;
like a wound glows;to reveil,the lies;
” last poetes; 1968; nuevo york.”
ziel contact; i prefer…
educate, children of ecuador;englisch language…;
Allleen al dat gitaartje is splendid; no eye contact..needed…BUT, language,
words, and the eyes….are just…a matter of SOUL.TOO see/feel/hear/Stay in touch…
Its a big HONEUR;
all children who love,you;
all sporters and players basket and baseball; you would
like but could not;
we lover U
enternalty pure soul
and love children a proper way..pure they are..and act..no manners.
And old scool rap’Last poets”
We ,every cpuntry in the whole wide world know and love u, for truth;
cause U catched,therm in the bright eye;and deep douwn, bright soul;
KING; Of the movements;
” u say that im; YES U are a king,..if noty in these dirty world there willbe,
a rightkmingdom for u;4 ever…in puerto di ojes…
passado, nostre corazon.
is no crime;onl from dirty minds;;them own!