Belief in Democracy 8/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary 'Turkije - Het Dilemma van de Democratie': 'Turkey - the dilemma of democracy' that was broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here. if you end up with a situation where people forget that there are other, large minorities in the country, that feel differently than you and you try to impose your will on them, then, yes, you have De Toqueville’s problem of the tyranny of the majority and that tyranny is as bad for a minority as it were a dictatorship Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek journalist ========================================================== Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger. "Democracy does not have the right to destroy itself. It is not only about elections, but it is also about protecting the minorities and especially human rights. We should not forget that Adolf Hitler was a by-product of a democracy. Tyranny of the majority is as dangerous as a dictatorship, but most of the people generally tend to believe that Saddam Hussein was far more dangerous than George W. Bush or Vladimir Putin is".

Door: Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 7/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that was broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

Europe can afford to deny Turkey a membership. You know, the world will go on – the world always goes on. And Turkey will survive, Europe will survive, but it will be a great missed opportunity. For both. (video)

Fareed Zakaria,
Newsweek journalist

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“I mostly agree with the quotation, but I should also add that the problem is not only the lack of political will in today’s Europe. For decades, neither Brussels nor European governments did anything to prepare for the future. Check the history books that are still being used in European countries. Turks and Islam are still shown as an opponent, if not hostile or even enemy. i.e: Greece was about to modernize its history curriculum with “less anti-Turk” tone, but it couldn’t do it after enormous public pressure. The social integration can be achieved in the long term, but we have not seen any effort and it gives a hint about the fact that the EU won’t be closer to Turkey for some more decades. Then we would see that “it was a missed chance”.

Lezen: Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland, door Daan Nijssen

In Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland beschrijft Daan Nijssen, die op Sargasso de reeks ‘Verloren Oudheid‘ verzorgde, de geschiedenis van Mesopotamië. Rond 670 v.Chr. hadden de Assyriërs een groot deel van wat we nu het Midden-Oosten noemen verenigd in een wereldrijk, met Mesopotamië als kernland. In 612 v.Chr. brachten de Babyloniërs en de Meden deze grootmacht ten val en kwam onder illustere koningen als Nebukadnessar en Nabonidus het Babylonische Rijk tot bloei.

Lezen: Venus in het gras, door Christian Jongeneel

Op een vroege zomerochtend loopt de negentienjarige Simone naakt weg van haar vaders boerderij. Ze overtuigt een passerende automobiliste ervan om haar mee te nemen naar een afgelegen vakantiehuis in het zuiden van Frankrijk. Daar ontwikkelt zich een fragiele verstandhouding tussen de twee vrouwen.

Wat een fijne roman is Venus in het gras! Nog nooit kon ik zoveel scènes tijdens het lezen bijna ruiken: de Franse tuin vol kruiden, de schapen in de stal, het versgemaaide gras. – Ionica Smeets, voorzitter Libris Literatuurprijs 2020.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 6/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that will broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

If your fear is about Islam – you already got it. You already have millions of Muslims within your borders(video)

Fareed Zakaria,
Newsweek journalist

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“I don’t agree with the wording of the quote. It is like a doctor, saying, “If you fear is about cancer, you already got it.” Countering the Islamophobic arguments with such provocative expressions is not a true way. European Xenophobia is not something new. The only solution to this problem can be based on a widespread European education which would teach the future generations that Europe is not Rome and foreigners are not barbarians. Muslims are just one portion of all foreigners. Defining the whole problem by concentrating on a part of it makes the problem even worse”.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 5/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that was broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

The problem is not religion. It is the social-political context in which the religion exists. You can’t change the religion, but you cán change the social-political context. It becomes a very hostile relationship with the 1.2 billion Muslims to tell them: the problem is your religion….

Fareed Zakaria,
Newsweek journalist

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“As long as the question is wrong, there is no way to answer it correctly. Islam is a religion and one of its main principles suggests that “the religion is between the God and His subject.” Another significant Islamic principle (from Quran) says that “your religion is for yourself and my religion is for myself.” So Islam is something personal, but Democracy is a form of government, which is public. They are not mutually exclusive, but they are irrelevant. In these circumstances, associating the democracy with Islam is harming both of them. This errant trend gives power to political Islamists, who don’t care about harming both of these concepts in advantage of their personal interests. Because it’s easier to manipulate the public opinion by the power of the faith”.

Lezen: Bedrieglijk echt, door Jona Lendering

Bedrieglijk echt gaat over papyrologie en dan vooral over de wedloop tussen wetenschappers en vervalsers. De aanleiding tot het schrijven van het boekje is het Evangelie van de Vrouw van Jezus, dat opdook in het najaar van 2012 en waarvan al na drie weken vaststond dat het een vervalsing was. Ik heb toen aangegeven dat het vreemd was dat de onderzoekster, toen eenmaal duidelijk was dat deze tekst met geen mogelijkheid antiek kon zijn, beweerde dat het lab uitsluitsel kon geven.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 4/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that will broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

Democracy can spread around the world, but it has to be a process of organic development from within societies. You have to be modernizing the country (video)

Fareed Zakaria,
Newsweek journalist

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“Democracy is the system that the highest possible amount of people joining the decision-making process. It is not a modern concept, thus it is not about modernizing the country. If you consider the Islamic world, you can easily see that it was more democratic during 7th-9th century than it is today. We can suggest that Classical Athens was more democratic even more than United States, where today reached the point of electing a President by a minority vote and practising a foreign policy which is overwhelmingly unpopular. Either imported or locally produced, the spread of today’s democracy is an illusion, because its main pillars are considered as those of American democracy, which is not a democracy anymore”.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 3/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that will broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

Elections don’t mean democracy. Elections can be very dangerous in young democracies if held in a wrong way and at a wrong time: it will appeal to a people’s hatred instead of to its hopes. (video)

Fareed Zakaria,
Newsweek journalist, 2004

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“This is not about being a young or old democracy. The whole issue is about the election system. If the election makes the winner party (or person) the ultimate authority, it means that there is a high possibility that its consequences would not be democratic. Can you organize a referandum that would ask people if they want to abolish the democracy? If the majority says “yes”, then is it a democratic result? What if this majority is 51 percent or 99.9 percent… Does it change anything? Elections are a precondition of a democracy, but they don’t guarantee it. Only an election system that would represent and protect the interests of all parties can guarantee the democracy”.

Lezen: De BVD in de politiek, door Jos van Dijk

Tot het eind van de Koude Oorlog heeft de BVD de CPN in de gaten gehouden. Maar de dienst deed veel meer dan spioneren. Op basis van nieuw archiefmateriaal van de AIVD laat dit boek zien hoe de geheime dienst in de jaren vijftig en zestig het communisme in Nederland probeerde te ondermijnen. De BVD zette tot tweemaal toe personeel en financiële middelen in voor een concurrerende communistische partij. BVD-agenten hielpen actief mee met geld inzamelen voor de verkiezingscampagne. De regering liet deze operaties oogluikend toe. Het parlement wist van niets.


Sargasso is een laagdrempelig platform waarop mensen kunnen publiceren, reageren en discussiëren, vanuit de overtuiging dat bloggers en lezers elkaar aanvullen en versterken. Sargasso heeft een progressieve signatuur, maar is niet dogmatisch. We zijn onbeschaamd intellectueel en kosmopolitisch, maar tegelijkertijd hopeloos genuanceerd. Dat betekent dat we de wereld vanuit een bepaald perspectief bezien, maar openstaan voor andere zienswijzen.

In de rijke historie van Sargasso – een van de oudste blogs van Nederland – vind je onder meer de introductie van het liveblog in Nederland, het munten van de term reaguurder, het op de kaart zetten van datajournalistiek, de strijd voor meer transparantie in het openbaar bestuur (getuige de vele Wob-procedures die Sargasso gevoerd heeft) en de jaarlijkse uitreiking van de Gouden Hockeystick voor de klimaatontkenner van het jaar.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 2/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that will broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

As Muslim societies democratize, you will see greater religious expression everywhere in society. It is a consequence of democracy.

Abdullah Gül,
Turkey’s new president,
(in a Newsweek column of Fareed Zakaria, May 2007)

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“I like to emphasize that Islam should be politics-free, as it is only a religion. Politics is about the public, but the religion is about the individual. Associating these two words can only help political Islamists who want to exploit both of them. Abdullah Gul is -unfortunately- one of these politicians and he would stay among their ranks as long as he uses this rhetoric. A society which can only democratize by the help of a religion (actually not religion, but Islamist politicians) is neither democratic, nor religious. It is just a colony of Islamists”.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy 1/8

Views of people from Turkey and Holland on statements made by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the Dutch VPRO documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’ that will broadcast on 8th of October. Daily at Sargasso from October 5th until October 12th, at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time). This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy. More information here.

Is Europe a home for an alliance of civilizations or is it a Christian club?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
prime minister of Turkye,
April 16th 2007, in ‘Der Spiegel’

Emre Kizilkaya | The Istanbulian
turkish journalist, Hürriyet newspaper, blogger.

“The EU has founded as a project of peace after the bloody clash between Britain-France and Germany ended up with disasters of the total war. The cooperation of Anglo-French and Germanic world was being seen then as impossible as today’s project of an Islamo-Christian civilization. Though, nothing is clear yet, because unlike during the foundation of the EU, now the European elite is not aware the importance of multiculturalism and it leaves it to the public. So European peoples are on the verge of deciding it by themselves. As long as the current trend -where the public opinion is manipulated by narrow-minded European conservatives (whom I dubbed as “Eurocons”)- continues, the natural consequence would be the ultimate exclusion of other cultures for sake of a ‘white Europe’ “.

Lezen: Mohammed, door Marcel Hulspas

Wie was Mohammed? Wat dreef hem? In deze vlot geschreven biografie beschrijft Marcel Hulspas de carrière van de de Profeet Mohammed. Hoe hij uitgroeide van een eenvoudige lokale ‘waarschuwer’ die de Mekkanen opriep om terug te keren tot het ware geloof, tot een man die zichzelf beschouwde als de nieuwste door God gezonden profeet, vergelijkbaar met Mozes, Jesaja en Jezus.

Mohammed moest Mekka verlaten maar slaagde erin een machtige stammencoalitie bijeen te brengen die, geïnspireerd door het geloof in de ene God (en zijn Profeet) westelijk Arabië veroverde. En na zijn dood stroomden de Arabische legers oost- en noordwaarts, en schiepen een nieuw wereldrijk.

Lezen: De wereld vóór God, door Kees Alders

De wereld vóór God – Filosofie van de oudheid, geschreven door Kees Alders, op Sargasso beter bekend als Klokwerk, biedt een levendig en compleet overzicht van de filosofie van de oudheid, de filosofen van vóór het christendom. Geschikt voor de reeds gevorderde filosoof, maar ook zeker voor de ‘absolute beginner’.

In deze levendige en buitengewoon toegankelijke introductie in de filosofie ligt de nadruk op Griekse en Romeinse denkers. Bekende filosofen als Plato en Cicero passeren de revue, maar ook meer onbekende namen als Aristippos en Carneades komen uitgebreid aan bod.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Belief in Democracy

On the 8th of October VPRO Dutch television will broadcast the documentary ‘Turkije – Het Dilemma van de Democratie’: ‘Turkey – the dilemma of democracy’. The documentary will focus on the issue of EU membership for Turkey and the role of islam in a democracy. Here at Sargasso we will discuss statements made in this documentary by Newsweek journalist Fareed Zakaria, Turkish president Abdullah Gül and prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. From October 5th until October 12th, each day at 13.00h (Amsterdam time, 14.00h Istanbul time) we will post one of these statements. With these statements we will post the views on the statement by a Dutch member of the European parliament, a Dutch journalist and producer, a Dutch-Turkish rapper and bloggers from the Turkish blogosphere. All posts of this Dutch-Turkish blogging project can be found here. This blogging project is part of the Dutch democracy week WijZijnDeBaas (WeAreTheBoss): the Dutch contribution to the International Week for Democracy.

The statements will be provided in text and after the broadcasting of the documentary also in short video messages. Although normally on Sargasso we write in Dutch in this case we will be discussing in English, because we feel it’s important non-Dutch (and especially Turkish) bloggers can join in. In this case we also ask our Dutch ‘reaguurders’ (commenters) to discuss in English, for the sake of what the internet is all all about: enabling worldwide communication. Here are some of the blogs from the Turkish blogosphere (turkish and expat) who were contacted and/or contributed to this project:, istanbulian.blogspot, quirkglobalstrategies, energynewsletterturkey.blogspot, internations.blogspot,,, mvdg.wordpress.

Lezen: Bedrieglijk echt, door Jona Lendering

Bedrieglijk echt gaat over papyrologie en dan vooral over de wedloop tussen wetenschappers en vervalsers. De aanleiding tot het schrijven van het boekje is het Evangelie van de Vrouw van Jezus, dat opdook in het najaar van 2012 en waarvan al na drie weken vaststond dat het een vervalsing was. Ik heb toen aangegeven dat het vreemd was dat de onderzoekster, toen eenmaal duidelijk was dat deze tekst met geen mogelijkheid antiek kon zijn, beweerde dat het lab uitsluitsel kon geven.