Open (afscheids)brief van hoofd propaganda van Condoleezza Rice

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Open (afscheids)brief van hoofd propaganda van Condoleezza Rice

Via Laura Rozen (

Price Floyd was director of media affairs for the State Department until several weeks ago(—).

? We have eroded not only the good will of the post-9-11 days but also any residual appreciation from the countries we supported during the Cold War. This is due to several actions taken by the Bush administration, including pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol (environment), refusing to take part in the International Criminal Court (rule of law), and pulling out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (arms control). The prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib and the continuing controversy over the detainees in Guantanamo also sullied the image of America.?


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