De vijf sleutelprincipes van internationale betrekkingen

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Volgens Stephen Walt in Foreign Policy:

No. 1: Anarchy

You don’t have to be a realist to recognize that what makes international politics different from domestic politics is that it takes place in the absence of central authority. […]

No. 2: The Balance of Power

[…] Big shifts in the balance of power are usually dangerous, either because rising powers challenge the status quo, or lagging powers launch preventive wars, or simply because shifts make it hard to know who is presently stronger and thus make miscalculation more likely. […]

No. 3: Comparative Advantage

[…] The (partial) rejection of mercantilism and the embrace of more open trade is the root of contemporary globalization and a key reason why the world is more prosperous today than it was two centuries ago […]

No. 4: Misperception and Miscalculation

[…] you can’t really understand international politics and foreign policy without recognizing that national leaders (and sometimes whole countries) frequently misunderstand each other and often do remarkably stupid things. […]

No. 5: Social Construction

[…] social reality is not like the physical world; it is made and remade by what humans do and say and think.

Hiermee kom je een heel eind als je – om maar wat te noemen – de Oekraïnecrisis wilt verklaren…

h/t Krekel

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