Britse Conservatieven maakten tien jaar aan speeches en verkiezingsbeloften onzichtbaar op internet

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

1984 als handleiding in plaats van waarschuwing. Ofwel: down the memory hole:

The Conservative Party has attempted to erase a 10-year backlog of speeches from the internet, including pledges for a new kind of transparent politics the prime minister and chancellor made when they were campaigning for election.

Prime minister David Cameron and chancellor George Osborne campaigned on a promise to democratise information held by those in power, so people could hold them to account. They wanted to use the internet transform politics.

But the Conservative Party has removed the archive from its public facing website, erasing records of speeches and press releases going back to the year 2000 and up until it was elected in May 2010.

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Demonstrating the fragility of the internet’s historic record, the Conservative Party scrubbed its internet and news archive from the internet by putting up the block against the software robots that crawl the web for search engines and repositories such as Google and the Internet Archive. The block told them to remove the Conservative archive from their records. […]

A Conservative Party spokesman said the changes had been done to make the website more appealing.

“The changes we’ve done to the website are judged by what’s most popular. People would rather watch videos than read lengthy texts,” he said.

“It’s definitely not dumbed down. These changes allow people to quickly and easily access the most important information we provide,” said the party further in a written statement.

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Reacties (2)

#1 Bismarck

En terecht, voor je het weet gaan ze je nog houden aan wat je voor de verkiezingen zei.

#2 gronk

The erasure had the effect of hiding Conservative speeches in a secretive corner of the internet like those that shelter the military, secret services, gangsters and paedophiles.

Eerlijk gezegd vind ik ’t helemaal niet zo’n slecht plan om (neo)conservatieve speeches gelijk te stellen aan kinderporno en andere shit waar je niet mee gezien wilt worden. Hoog tijd dat Atlas Shrugged op de index komt.

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