The benefits of being dumb in politics

What is the best kind of political leader? One that is highly intelligent, or one that is sincere and reflective, Paul Frijters wonders. It is natural to think of our political leaders as either superhumanly clever and benevolent when we agree with them, or else dumb as dishwater and evil when we don’t agree with them. Yet, if one takes our own group-loyalty out of the picture, we can ask the simple question what kind of mental qualities are likely to thrive in our Western political environment. The political environment we have is highly competitive and combative, with constant media scrutiny and constantly shifting political factions. This gives rise to particular psychological demands and pressures: anyone who can’t keep their story straight or buckles under the relentless psychological pressure put on by the opponents from both within their own political parties and outside, is dead on arrival in politics. Hence the minimum requirement is to be very tough mentally and to have a pretty good memory and ability to keep a straight story.

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Lezen: De wereld vóór God, door Kees Alders

De wereld vóór God – Filosofie van de oudheid, geschreven door Kees Alders, op Sargasso beter bekend als Klokwerk, biedt een levendig en compleet overzicht van de filosofie van de oudheid, de filosofen van vóór het christendom. Geschikt voor de reeds gevorderde filosoof, maar ook zeker voor de ‘absolute beginner’.

In deze levendige en buitengewoon toegankelijke introductie in de filosofie ligt de nadruk op Griekse en Romeinse denkers. Bekende filosofen als Plato en Cicero passeren de revue, maar ook meer onbekende namen als Aristippos en Carneades komen uitgebreid aan bod.