The Presurfer

246 Artikelen
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Achtergrond: Jay Huang (cc)
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

De chemie van snoep (=plastic=glas)

Did you know that hard candy is actually a glass? Richard Hartel, professor of food engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, boils a mixture of sugar, water and corn syrup at temperatures over 300 degrees Fahrenheit to produce hard candy.

The video demonstrates how the molten liquid candy cools to form what from a technical standpoint actually is a glass. Unlike window glass made of silica, this tasty glass is made of sugar.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Moeders mooiste

From frightful fangtooth fish and vampire squid to coffinfish and spiky, sinister sea urchins, plenty of strange and scary creatures lurk in the dark, cold depths of the ocean. Take a look at life in the shadowy depths.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

De verborgen wereld van bestuiving

Pollination is vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye. Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg shows us the intricate world of pollen and pollinators with gorgeous high-speed images from his film ‘Wings of Life,’ inspired by the the vanishing of one of nature’s primary pollinators, the honeybee.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

World’s Fastest Ever Car Crash Test

High speed driving can be dangerous. Fifth Gear conducted the world’s fastest ever car crash test. Usually car crash tests do not exceed 40 mph. This time a Ford Focus is smashed into a concrete wall at 120mph.


Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Pagina 23

At first sight it might look like an IKEA commercial. Instead, Page 23 is a beautiful 4 minutes short movie that describes a surreal yet real world many of us might live in. The language spoken is Dutch but it’s with English subtitles.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol


At first glance, these houses looks like they could have been the victim of a dramatic gas explosion. But the beat-up homes in Houston, Texas, are in fact an elaborate traffic-stopping work of art using the homes’ own wood siding. Artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck smashed the interior walls of the homes, before nailing the wooden planking at strange angles to complete their project.

Featuring several horizontal and vertical vortices which appear to ‘rip’ through the interior of the first house, the designs offer a unique view out of each of the buildings.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Mountainbiker uitgeschakeld door antilope

Mountain biker Evan van der Spuy of Team Jeep South Africa got taken out by a Red Hartebeest at a mountain bike race at Albert Falls Dam. Check out this crazy footage which was taken by team mate Travis Walker who was following him.


Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Olie op staal

Fluke and Propadata Films teamed up to explore the world of vibrations – the world of unseen movement – through high-speed videography. Raw footage from the Fluke 810: Vibrations video. Oil on vibrating steel at 1,000 frames per second.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Geld groeit wel aan bomen

In several wooded areas around the UK, passersby have been stopping for centuries, meticulously hammering small denomination coins intro trees. Most of the trees seem to be in and around Cumbria and Portmeirion. The practice might date back to the early 1700s in Scotland where ill people stuck florins into trees with the idea that the tree would take away their sickness.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Bevroren planeet

Years in the making and narrated by David Attenborough this brand new BBC series reveals a world as alien to most of us as the surface of the moon. These are places of breathtaking beauty and survival against all the odds, lonely lands that feed our imagination and whose wonders we may be witnessing for the last time.

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