ACHTERGROND - Neoliberalisme bestaat niet en is enkel een links scheldwoord, aldus de usual suspects.
Critici hebben in zoverre een punt dat ‘neoliberalisme’ vaak als containerbegrip wordt gebruikt om alles aan te duiden wat vuig en voos is. Zodoende kan het geen kwaad zo nu en dan de connectie tussen het begrip en de hedendaagse politieke realiteit te verduidelijken.
William Davis doet in deze blogpost een uiterst verhelderende poging:
In my book, I describe neoliberalism as the ‘disenchantment of politics by economics’. What’s important to realise is that this doesn’t necessarily mean replacing the state or democracy by the market. What it means is that processes traditionally left in the realm of politics must now be reconfigured in calculative, economically rational terms. Yes, you can carry on expressing demands publicly; but you must now do so in ways that makes the costs and benefits of your demand explicit. You are no less welcome to stage an opera, provide social care for the elderly or research ancient manuscripts, and these may indeed be matters for the state to support. Just as long as you can explain that in the language of economics. […]
Just as clothing designers came to realise during the 1980s that people want the label of expensive clothes on the outside, the injunction of neoliberal politics is to keep the price tag on at all times.