SG-café zondag 27-05-2018

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Dit is het Sargasso-café van zondag 27-05-2018. Hier kan onder het genot van een virtueel drankje, nootje en/of kaasplankje alles besproken worden wat elders off topic is.

Reacties (3)

#1 gbh

KPFK’s “Indy Media on Air” Brings Fascism to the Airwaves

The red-brown convergence, or the seemingly puzzling political alliance between far-left (red) and far-right (brown), is a serious and worsening problem around the world—evermore so since Donald Trump’s election and inauguration. Beyond the divisions between authoritarian and libertarian socialism on the left, both authoritarian and anti-authoritarian socialist traditions share with fascism an emphasis on revolutionism, or the need to transform society radically, rather than incrementally. In practice, this has meant that Italian Fascism grew out of the Cercle Proudhon, an intellectual circle dedicated to the study of this French anarchist; that the Strasserite faction of the Nazi Party had an (admittedly racist) anti-capitalist orientation; and that the Russian neo-fascist and Vladimir Putin adviser Aleksandr Dugin has developed a “fourth political theory” which combines Stalinism with Nazism.1

The left can’t be silent about Assad’s crimes

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