I’ll admit it. Shopping for a personal tank can be a bit daunting. Many times in the past I’ve purchased overpriced, so-called “battle tanks”, then driven them into battle only to be wrecked in ten minutes by the first blow off of some insurgents home-made morter.
Reacties (3)
“Customers who bought items like this also bought” is waarschijnlijk gebaseerd op n=1. :-)
Iedereen die een beetje bekend is met Star Wars weet natuurlijk wat dit apparaat is :-)
Dan zie je maar weer hoe bekend ik met Star Wars ben…
Vooral de user reviews zijn goud!
I’ll admit it. Shopping for a personal tank can be a bit daunting. Many times in the past I’ve purchased overpriced, so-called “battle tanks”, then driven them into battle only to be wrecked in ten minutes by the first blow off of some insurgents home-made morter.
En dat is nog maar de eerste….