The mother daughter power failure

I had the privilege of attending a speech by über-feminist Susan Faludi of Backlash and The Terror Dream fame (if you haven’t read these books, then, what are you waiting for?). So, here is what I got from her speech. Faludi started with the assertion that everyone acknowledges that feminism is successful. Liberals would state that we’ve come a long way while conservatives commonly state that all the ills of society are due to feminism. However, through her work, Faludi has met many women who consider feminism to have been both beneficial and a disappointment, what she calls the “yes, but…” problem that has several dimensions: 1. Yes, women are not 50% of the workforce but they occupy the same positions and professions as before. Women are still underrepresented in the media. The wage gap is still there and whatever reduction there has been there has been because of declining men’s wages. So, disillusionment is widespread as essential hurdles never really got lifted. It seems that the possibilities of remaking society have eluded us.

Door: Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Lezen: De wereld vóór God, door Kees Alders

De wereld vóór God – Filosofie van de oudheid, geschreven door Kees Alders, op Sargasso beter bekend als Klokwerk, biedt een levendig en compleet overzicht van de filosofie van de oudheid, de filosofen van vóór het christendom. Geschikt voor de reeds gevorderde filosoof, maar ook zeker voor de ‘absolute beginner’.

In deze levendige en buitengewoon toegankelijke introductie in de filosofie ligt de nadruk op Griekse en Romeinse denkers. Bekende filosofen als Plato en Cicero passeren de revue, maar ook meer onbekende namen als Aristippos en Carneades komen uitgebreid aan bod.

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