De stem van autistische Carly

Campaigning about Autism is one of the most difficult things to do. Autism comes in many variants and it is hard to recognize the signs. The last I wrote about an Autism awareness campaign endorsed this again. This new campaign from Canada is a much better attempt. And there is a reason for it. It comes from the personal story of Carly Fleischmann, a 17 year old who was diagnosed with severe autism at age 2. Doctors predicted that she would never intellectually develop beyond the abilities of a small child. Although she made some progress after years of intensive behavioral and communication therapy, Carly remained largely unreachable. Then, at the age of ten, she had a breakthrough. While working with her devoted therapists Howie and Barb, Carly reached over to their laptop and typed in “HELP TEETH HURT,” much to everyone’s astonishment. This was the beginning of Carly’s journey toward self-realization. Carly Fleischmann: “Autism has locked me inside a body I cannot control.” “Everyone has an inner voice. I found a way to let mine out.” A few days ago a dedicated campaign website was launched inspired directly by Carly’s writing. That’s one of the things Carly did, writing a book with her father about her life. On page 362 of the book she describes how the simplest outing, visiting a coffee shop, can quickly becoming overwhelming for those with autism. It is the scene in the video below. The website shows the same scene in a interactive web video format. The webvideo is very confrontating. At least for me. And without any other information about Carly’s life it could be a very sad story. I have doubts about the campaign website. Is it inviting enough to read further? What do you think? Carly’s Voice website. Carly’s Voice at Twitter. Carly’s Voice at Facebook. Carlys Voice Book Trailer:

Door: Foto: copyright ok. Gecheckt 23-11-2022

Doe het veilig met NordVPN

Sargasso heeft privacy hoog in het vaandel staan. Nu we allemaal meer dingen online doen is een goede VPN-service belangrijk om je privacy te beschermen. Volgens techsite CNET is NordVPN de meest betrouwbare en veilige VPN-service. De app is makkelijk in gebruik en je kunt tot zes verbindingen tegelijk tot stand brengen. NordVPN kwam bij een speedtest als pijlsnel uit de bus en is dus ook geschikt als je wil gamen, Netflixen of downloaden.

Lezen: Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland, door Daan Nijssen

In Het wereldrijk van het Tweestromenland beschrijft Daan Nijssen, die op Sargasso de reeks ‘Verloren Oudheid‘ verzorgde, de geschiedenis van Mesopotamië. Rond 670 v.Chr. hadden de Assyriërs een groot deel van wat we nu het Midden-Oosten noemen verenigd in een wereldrijk, met Mesopotamië als kernland. In 612 v.Chr. brachten de Babyloniërs en de Meden deze grootmacht ten val en kwam onder illustere koningen als Nebukadnessar en Nabonidus het Babylonische Rijk tot bloei.