Quote van de Dag: Complete regering

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

“Sometimes it is to gum up the works for an administration of the other party, sometimes it is for serious questions or legitimate policy reasons, sometimes it is to hold innocent nominees hostage for completely extraneous reasons or for leverage over a policy position or guarantees from a Cabinet officer or from the president. In general ? and in this case, specifically about the mass delays ? it is simply wrong and also insensitive, while damaging the fabric of governance.”

Norman Ornstein maakt zich kwaad dat Obama’s voordrachten voor belangrijke posten vaak om triviale redenen geblokkeerd worden door Republikeinen. Van de ongeveer 1100 mensen die door het Congres goedgekeurd moeten worden, zijn er nu ruim 150 benoemd.

Reacties (1)

#1 Teun

”In general ? and in this case, specifically about the mass delays ? it is simply wrong and also insensitive, while damaging the fabric of governance.”

Nou; dat lijkt me precies wat Republikeinen altijd (zeggen te) willen: kleinere overheid. [/sarcasme]