The Presurfer

246 Artikelen
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Achtergrond: Jay Huang (cc)
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | The Ellora Caves

elloria cavesThe Ellora Caves are an impressive complex of Buddhist, Hindu and Jain cave temples near the ancient Indian village of Ellora. The caves have a slightly less dramatic setting than those at Ajanta, but more exquisite sculptures. Ellora is a World Heritage Site and the most visited ancient monument in Maharashtra State.

The 34 Ellora caves – actually structures excavated out of the vertical face of the Charanandri hills – were built between the 6th and the 10th century. The 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu, and 5 Jain caves, built in proximity, demonstrate the religious harmony prevalent during this period of Indian history.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Save the words

Save the Words features arcane words that are well on their way out of use. Many are no longer found in dictionaries. Site visitors can ‘adopt’ these words and pledge to revive them by using them as frequently as possible in conversation and in correspondence. Words like avunculize which means to act as an uncle. Or foppotee which is a simple-minded person.

Save the Words is a project of an advertising agency. Young and Rubicam in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, was hired to promote the print version of the Oxford English Dictionary.

Meer verstrooiing bij The Presurfer, @presurfer.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Mass hysteria

Mass Hysteria

Mass hysteria is the sociopsychological phenomenon of the manifestation of the same or similar hysterical symptoms by more than one person. A common manifestation of mass hysteria occurs when a group of people believe they are suffering from a similar disease or ailment.

Mass hysteria typically begins when an individual becomes ill or hysterical during a period of stress. After this initial individual shows symptoms, others begin to manifest similar symptoms. Here are 10 bizarre cases of mass hysteria.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Child labor

kind ligt te slapen op de trap, met zijn hoofd op een stapel krantenDuring the Industrial Revolution, children as young as four were employed in production factories with dangerous, and often fatal, working conditions. By 1900, there were 1.7 million child laborers reported in American industry under the age of fifteen. The number of children under the age of 15 who worked in industrial jobs for wages climbed to 2 million in 1910.

A series of 69 photographs of child labor in America taken between 1908 and 1912.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | De eeuwige hamburger

big mac

Back in 2008, Karen Hanrahan, of the blog Best of Mother Earth posted a picture of a hamburger that she uses as a prop for a class she teaches on how to help parents keep their children away from junk food… The hamburger she’s been using as a prop is the same plain McDonald’s hamburger she’s been using for what’s now going on 14 years. It looks pretty much identical to how it did the day she bought it

You may have heard this story about the McDonald’s hamburger that does not decompose. There are several theories of why this phenomenon occurs. J. Kenji Lopez-Alt of Serious Eats gives a scientific explanation.

Meer verstrooiing bij The Presurfer, @presurfer.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

The Presurfer | Wind up car

opwindbare auto

British constructor Perry Watkins sits in his ‘Wind Up’ mini car. The car is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s smallest car with a licence to drive on public streets. Just 41 inches high, 51 inches long and only 26 inches wide the mini always finds a parking space. It can drive 37 mph and even has security belts.

It’s not really a wind-up car. Perry Watkins used a 150cc single-cylinder four-stroke engine from a Postman Pat children’s ride.

Meer verstrooiing bij The Presurfer, @presurfer.
