The Presurfer

246 Artikelen
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Achtergrond: Jay Huang (cc)
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Stam heeft geen tijdsbesef

An Amazonian tribe has no abstract concept of time. The Amondawa lacks the linguistic structures that relate time and space – as in for example, ‘working through the night.’ A study shows that while the Amondawa recognise events occuring in time, it does not exist as a separate concept.

The Amondawa language has no word for ’time,’ or indeed of time periods such as ‘month’ or ‘year.’ The people do not refer to their ages, but rather assume different names in different stages of their lives or as they achieve different status within the community.

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Na de Apocalyps

Humanity has always been curious about what the Earth would be like without us. Based on the Earth’s past, it almost seems inevitable that natural destruction will occur at some point, and man-made methods of destruction exist as well.

Here are 51 breathtaking post-apocalyptic wallpapers that show artistic representations of what Earth would look like after a cataclysmic event.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol


Photos of dust storms, strong, turbulent winds carrying large clouds of dust. In a large storm, clouds of fine dust may be raised to heights well over 10,000 ft and carried for hundreds or thousands of miles.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Pendulum Waves

Fifteen uncoupled simple pendulums of monotonically increasing lengths dance together to produce visual traveling waves, standing waves, beating, and seemingly random motion. Built by Nils Sorensen at Harvard University.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol


This white octopus was filmed with a high-definition underwater video camera at a depth of 6,600 feet (2,000m) 200 miles off the coast of Oregon as part of an expedition led by Professors John Delaney and Deborah Kelley of the University of Washington. The Grimpoteuthis bathynectes octopus, also nicknamed the Dumbo octopus, uses its fins to move through the water.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Google Earth driving simulator

Planning a road trip to somewhere you’ve never been, and wondering what the scenery would be like? Now you can find out with Google Earth Driving Simulator, a browser based simulator built on top of the Google Earth browser plugin.

You can’t actually drive yourself but the map shows you how to drive. Just enter a starting location and a destination. Click on go, then go to the simulator panel and hit ‘start.’ You can adjust your speed but driving slow will show high resolution imagery and 3D buildings.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

No Joy

Joyland Amusement Park opened in Wichita, Kansas, United States on June 12, 1949, and was in continuous operation until 2004. The park was founded by Lester Ottaway. In the late 1960s the park was sols to Stanley and Margaret Nelson. The park was showing its age with many attractions requiring extensive repairs when the Nelsons shut it down in mid 2004.

Since the park closed it has been subjected to numerous incidents of vandalism and looting. Nearly every building in the park is covered with graffiti and the vintage sign from the top of the roller coaster has been stolen.

No Joy from Mike Petty on Vimeo.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Een nieuwe soort

Like many biologists, German Oliver Zompro spends thousands of hours looking at specimens of dead animals. He found his first new species when he was twenty. By the age of thirty he had named dozens of wild new forms. While other people around him did crossword puzzles and drank lattes, he explored the world, one animal at a time.

Then, one day, things changed. He was looking through specimens when he found something more interesting than anything he had ever seen before. It was a fossil that looked like a cross between two different kinds of animals. It had the wrong mix of parts. It was – he would come to convince himself – a single individual of an entirely new order of beasts.

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Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Als je je verveelt…

In this day and age people really want to keep hold of their jobs – there is a recession on after all. Plus with every keystroke at your terminal recorded it is far too easy for bosses to discover that you have been spending half your time on YouTube, StumbleUpon, Facebook or Ebay instead of working. So, many people, when bored, are going back to more traditional ways of shirking while working. Step forward the humble paper clip.

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