
647 Artikelen
Achtergrond: Jay Huang (cc)
Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

dagsluiting | San People


In the harsh climate of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa, the San people are always on the move, searching for wild fruits, berries and nuts, and tracking water and game. Believed to be descendants of the first inhabitants of southern Africa, the San are famous for their exceptional hunting skills. By imitating the movements of animals, they are able to get close enough to herds to kill their prey with poisonous arrows.

Conflicts between the San and both neighbouring tribes and European colonists have forced them to the more remote reaches of the Kalahari. Ancient scrubland is being turned into privately owned cattle ranches, and their search for fertile land will become even harder as desertification encroaches on the bush vegetation, caused by rising temperatures and rainfall that is decreasing by up to 40% during the austral winter. Global warming could eventually prevent the last of the San from hunting and gathering food on the desert plains.

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