Freak Watchers Textbook

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Iets anders dan vogels spotten: Amateur Freak Watching.
Common Name: Carpet Rhino | George the Rug
Scientific Name: Dicerorhinus hagopians
Geographical Range: Main Street | Starbucks Coffeehouse
Age: Late 50s
Description: The Carpet Rhino is the only known American species of rhino left since the Ice Age. One of the strangest rhinoceros species, the Carpet Rhino attempts to pass itself off as a human by wearing an ill-fitting red toupee made from lichens and mosses it finds while rummaging.
Habits: Carpet Rhinos hate human children and attempt to run them down, just as bulls will attack a Matdor’s swinging cape. This is because the Carpet Rhino is impotent and unable to father children of its own.


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