Pentagon breekt begrotingsrecord van 1952 (Korea-Koude Oorlog)

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Pentagon breekt begrotingsrecord van 1952 (Korea-Koude Oorlog)

Measured in real terms (that is, adjusted for inflation), that’s about one-third higher than the previous record for U.S. military spending, set in 1952, when more than 30,000 American soldiers were dying in the Korean War and the Pentagon was embarking on its massive Cold War rearmament drive (—)
Pile that on top, and we get $739 billion.
Of that amount, $235.1 billion is for the wars. (By the way, the total cost for these wars, with these two supplementals tacked on, now comes to $661.9 billion, and the Pentagon is asking for an additional $50 billion “allowance”?a term I’ve never seen in a budget document?for Fiscal Year 2009.)


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