My dear Dutch reaguurders if you write in english the rest of the world will understand you. As we are right now live contected to the France 24 website.
Mooi die Melkert kloon genaamd Royal kan inpakken
But but, ze french don’t speak english very well ;-)
Or as Royal would say when she was an Australian “BUGGER”
@Ronald: Melkert-clone? Do you actually think that everyone who is just slightly on the left side of the political arena is a Melkert or something?
@Roy, how about how Royal tried to demonise Sarkozy, just likje Melkert did to Pim Fortuyn.
Royal :”If Sarkozy wins, the banlieu’s will burn again”
I’d also like to ad that she looks better then Melkert ^^
likje = like
even my French Bulldog’s ass looks better than Melkert
In the meanwhile Sarkozy gives a moderate speech full of conciliation (even with the US..).
Excellent, while I have my doubts about how much of Sarkozy’s policies can be actually put into place without some serious compromising it’s a lot better than Royal’s socialist “pie-in-the-sky” statist worldview.
This is a good day for France…the hard part begins tomorrow…
I find all of reactionist Holland gathered here… I guess we will find out how great today is, when sgeregation grows and unsafety with it. When Sarkozy blows up the EU to join the path of the USA. When Sarkozy can’t own up to his promises of lower taxes…
One commentator on France24 talked about the Socialist Party now heading for the scrapheap. Any thoughts? New name?
Small translation for the french ;-)
Bonfire lit for joy over Sarko’s victory
The best thing that could happen to France and Europe this year!
I wonder what Sarkozy will propose to do with the ´European Constitution´, or a new treaty to fix the European Union´s inability to have transparant decision-making. France had an excellent track-record up until the no-vote in promoting European integration (from Schumann to Delors).
Now, is ´Sarko´ going to follow in that tradition?
Beetje slap en voorspelbaar deze prent (somewhat predictablre cartoon btw)
It was to be expected.
Cétait a expecter
Que sera, sera.
The French got what they wanted, what they deserved.
Now lets see how Europe develops
Stromen die buitenlandse hits al binnen, Carlos?
No not predictable: Sarko has nothing to do with Nappie.
Nappie saved the revolution. Sarko is gonna kill it.
juste wel spannend vind je niet?
absoluut… :)
@16: Ik zit te wachten op de eerste complottheorien van Sharkofanatici die beweren dat Royal achter de honderden inmiddels verbrande auto’s zou zitten.
Reacties (25)
nou, daar zijn we klaar mee.
Geweldig resultaat. Die vreselijke Royal weggebonjourt. Hpoelijk definitief de politiek uitgeknikkert.
Uit puur enthousiasme tik ik de letters door elkaar. Hopelijk is die Royal definitief exit.
My dear Dutch reaguurders if you write in english the rest of the world will understand you. As we are right now live contected to the France 24 website.
Mooi die Melkert kloon genaamd Royal kan inpakken
But but, ze french don’t speak english very well ;-)
Or as Royal would say when she was an Australian “BUGGER”
@Ronald: Melkert-clone? Do you actually think that everyone who is just slightly on the left side of the political arena is a Melkert or something?
@Roy, how about how Royal tried to demonise Sarkozy, just likje Melkert did to Pim Fortuyn.
Royal :”If Sarkozy wins, the banlieu’s will burn again”
I’d also like to ad that she looks better then Melkert ^^
likje = like
even my French Bulldog’s ass looks better than Melkert
In the meanwhile Sarkozy gives a moderate speech full of conciliation (even with the US..).
Excellent, while I have my doubts about how much of Sarkozy’s policies can be actually put into place without some serious compromising it’s a lot better than Royal’s socialist “pie-in-the-sky” statist worldview.
This is a good day for France…the hard part begins tomorrow…
I find all of reactionist Holland gathered here… I guess we will find out how great today is, when sgeregation grows and unsafety with it. When Sarkozy blows up the EU to join the path of the USA. When Sarkozy can’t own up to his promises of lower taxes…
One commentator on France24 talked about the Socialist Party now heading for the scrapheap. Any thoughts? New name?
Small translation for the french ;-)
Bonfire lit for joy over Sarko’s victory
The best thing that could happen to France and Europe this year!
I wonder what Sarkozy will propose to do with the ´European Constitution´, or a new treaty to fix the European Union´s inability to have transparant decision-making. France had an excellent track-record up until the no-vote in promoting European integration (from Schumann to Delors).
Now, is ´Sarko´ going to follow in that tradition?
Beetje slap en voorspelbaar deze prent (somewhat predictablre cartoon btw)
It was to be expected.
Cétait a expecter
Que sera, sera.
The French got what they wanted, what they deserved.
Now lets see how Europe develops
Stromen die buitenlandse hits al binnen, Carlos?
No not predictable: Sarko has nothing to do with Nappie.
Nappie saved the revolution. Sarko is gonna kill it.
juste wel spannend vind je niet?
absoluut… :)
@16: Ik zit te wachten op de eerste complottheorien van Sharkofanatici die beweren dat Royal achter de honderden inmiddels verbrande auto’s zou zitten.