SG-café vrijdag 29-12-2017

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Dit is het Sargasso-café van vrijdag 29-12-2017. Hier kan onder het genot van een virtueel drankje, nootje en/of kaasplankje alles besproken worden wat elders off topic is.

Reacties (5)

#1 Lutine

Goed artikel voor alle Geertjes onder ons.

Na de dood van Ilyas wilde Houssein het naadje van de kous weten. Hij ging zelf op onderzoek uit, pijnigde zijn hersenen. Wat heeft hij verkeerd gedaan? Wat heeft hij over het hoofd gezien? Hij, ‘een gematigde, gewone moslim’, zoon van een analfabete gastarbeider, heeft zijn vier kinderen vrij opgevoed. Hij bracht en haalde zijn oudste dochter naar en van de disco. Vierde Sinterklaas, tegen de zin van veel moslims in. Heeft dat Meryem opgebroken? Werd het gezin in moslimkringen als te westers gezien? Maar ze deden toch ook aan ramadan, aan het Suikerfeest, het Offerfeest.

Deze man is geen vijand van de Geertjes, maar een bondgenoot van de westerse samenleving zoals wij die kennen. En zijn kleinkinderen, welke nog ergens rondzwerven in het midden oosten, dienen met de grootst mogelijk spoed weer terug te keren bij opa. Die ze nog nooit gezien heeft. Daar ligt dus ook een stukje werk voor ons als samenleving. We mogen deze man en zijn kleinkinderen niet laten zitten.

’Hoe langer onze kleinkinderen daar blijven, des te groter het gevaar dat ze net zo worden als papa of mama. Voor de allerkleinsten is er nog goede hoop. Die van mij zijn 4 en 2. Nog jong. Als de kinderen ouder zijn, hebben ze al veel meer bewust meegemaakt. Geweld, misdadige dingen. Kinderen hebben onthoofdingen gezien. Zwaar traumatiserend. Hoe moet je die behandelen, waar moeten we beginnen? Daar heeft niemand ervaring mee.

Tijd om het er over te hebben.

#2 Arjan Fernhout

Jstor: Cornel West: Neoliberalism has failed us

There’s no doubt that the vicious legacy of white supremacy was a major factor in the Trump victory. The major factor, but not the only factor. The other factor was the neoliberal policies that allowed for a massive redistribution of wealth from poor and working people to the top one percent. People were hungry for a populist message.

Then Trump comes along with a pseudo-populist message, tied to white supremacy, but also tied to male supremacy. The issue of misogyny in this election is fundamental. It amazes me how people could talk as if it’s all about racism and not say a mumbling word about patriarchy. Patriarchy played a very important role. Homophobia and transphobia, too. That’s not to downplay racism––but it’s not the only factor.

Te combineren met een interview met Thomas Frank via TRNN : Presidents Clinton and Obama Helped Make the Democrats a Wall Street Party

So Bill Clinton had, if you read the biographers who love him, if you read his fans, if you read books by his admirers — not by the people who think he’s a drug dealer and a murderer and all that, but the people who really like him — they’ll always point you to five things that he accomplished as president. Big things; capital-letter things that he got done as president. And if you go back over the list, every single one of them is a Republican thing, a Republican measure.
The first one was NAFTA, which was negotiated by George Bush, Sr. but the Republicans couldn’t get it through Congress, right, because Congress, of course, was controlled by Democrats back then, and Democrats hated NAFTA. Democrats were the party of organized labor. Bill Clinton ended that. Bill Clinton ran a steamroller over those Democrats and got NAFTA passed.
The second one was the crime bill of 1994; mass incarceration. The third one was bank deregulation and telecom deregulation. Fourth one was welfare reform. And the fifth one is a balanced budget. With the exception of that last one – the balanced budget, you could argue that either way – all of these were disasters; all of these, all of these.
PAUL JAY: Especially disasters for African Americans.
THOMAS FRANK: That’s right. And all of them were Republican measures. Welfare reform … I mean, Bill Clinton had said he was going to get it done and he even campaigned on it, but what he eventually signed off on was just terrifying. They did away with … By the way, when you’re talking about the undoing of the New Deal over the years, Reagan had a hand in that; the Bushes had a hand in that. But the guy that undid the biggest New Deal program — and I mean abolished it — was Bill Clinton, and the program was AFDC, otherwise known as welfare, and it had existed since 1935.
By the way, Clinton also wanted to partially privatize Social Security. Social Security is the real prize. This is what conservatives are really after. The day they can finally get rid of that, the most popular government program in America and the foundation of the welfare state, because people love and trust Social Security, therefore they’re open to other programs that you might devise, like say Medicare or something like that. So it’s obviously the thing that’s in the crosshairs, right, Social Security.
And Bill Clinton came far closer than anybody else to doing away with it, to turning the money over into a mandatory retirement savings program and giving it to Wall Street. And in fact would have done it, had it all planned out with Newt Gingrich, who was his … remember, they were supposedly these arch enemies? Do you remember this? But behind the scenes, they actually got along quite well and they had planned the privatization of Social Security and it was basically a done deal, and then the Monica Lewinsky scandal happened, and she literally saved this country from doing away, privatizing Social Security. She’s kind of a hero.

#3 kneistonie

@1: een buitengewoon treurige rommelzooi is het zeker.

Had ik een goed plan, dan meldde ik het hier.

#4 kneistonie

@2: Cornel West is compleet mijn pakkie an niet. Thomas Frank snapt dingen wel.

#5 Louis

@1: Pure chantage.

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