SG-café vrijdag 08-06-2018

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Dit is het Sargasso-café van vrijdag 08-06-2018. Hier kan onder het genot van een virtueel drankje, nootje en/of kaasplankje alles besproken worden wat elders off topic is.

Reacties (3)

#1 gbh

According to information obtained by DER SPIEGEL, Germany’s chief federal prosecutor, Peter Frank, has filed charges against Jamil Hassan, head of Syria’s feared Air Force Intelligence, with “crimes against humanity.”

#2 Joop

Oh nee, het kabinet gaat echt wat doen tegen overlast in azc.

#3 gbh

In first, Iran admits to facilitating passage of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attackers

The New York court’s reports revealed that Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who was described by the 9/11 commission as the “coordinator” of the September 11 terror attacks, met several times with Mohamed Atta, a hijacker of the attacks, in many European cities at the beginning of 2001 then traveled to Afghanistan to submit a follow-up report from the operations’ team to Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri.

This all happened thanks to assistance by the Iranian embassy in London and afterwards – according to a German intelligence memorandum – he received a visa from the Iranian embassy in Berlin to travel to Amsterdam then to Iran on January 31, 2001.

The documents also revealed the names of some senior al-Qaeda figures whose beginning was at the Lebanese Hezbollah camps. The most prominent is Saif al-Adel who later became the al-Qaeda’s No. 3 and a military leader, as he was first trained by Iranian commanders in Lebanon and Iran. Saif al-Adel is the one who made the orders to carry out the Riyadh explosions in 2003 from his headquarters in Iran.

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