De tekst van Obama’s inauguratie redevoering
De tekst van Obama’s inauguratie redevoering
We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.
De tekst van Obama’s inauguratie redevoering
We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.
Twenty-five books the new president should have by his bedside.
Commissie voor halvering aantal staddelen in Amsterdam
Schrap ze allemaal maar, die banenmachientjes voor PvdA en GL..
Ganzenterroristen halen Airbus neer voor Al Qaida
Few injuries appear to have resulted from the onslaught of aviofascism
Crisis economie? Investeer in militair industrieel complex!
Na 1932 al met veel succes geïmplementeerd in Duitsland.
Outside agitator: bio van Naomi Klein in The New Yorker
Hogepriesteres van 21e eeuws links
Mainstream van Republikeinse partij VS is rabiaat rechts
Inspirerend voor Geert Wilders en zijn handlangers.
Hasj: universeel medicijn tegen ernstige ziektes?
THC is ok, mits men er niet high van wordt.
“There are no real or fake parts of this country. We are not separated by the pro-America and anti-America parts of this nation ? we all love this country, no matter where we live or where we come from. There are patriots who supported this war in Iraq and patriots who opposed it, patriots who believe in Democratic policies and those who believe in Republican policies. The men and women from Indiana and all across America who serve on our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America or a blue America ? they have served the United States of America.”
Barack Obama in reactie op de speech van Sarah Palin waarin ze onderscheid maakte tussen ‘echt’ en ‘nep’ Amerika.
Karl Rove lastig gevallen en in de maling genomen
When Rove complained of negative campaign tactics by Democrats, his co-panelist ? former Sen. Majority Leader George Mitchell ? quipped, ?I have to say, I feel like Dorothy in the Land of Oz hearing you lecture about negative campaigns by others.?