Over the centuries, the high seas have served as a blank canvas for cartographers’ worst nightmares. They have dotted the oceans with a whole crypto-zoo of island-sized whales, deathly seductive mermaids, giant sea serpents, and many more – a whole panoply of heraldic horrors.
As varied as this marine bestiary is, mapmakers have settled on a single, favourite species for land-based beastliness: the octopus.
Meer bij The Presurfer.
Reacties (3)
Here be dragons.
Hoog déjà-vu gehalte.
Meme of echo:
9-10-2003 cultuurwijzer
17-9-2007 studiekring historische cartografie
23-12-2007 big think
30-6-2009 bibliodyssey
13-2-2010 vulgararmy
4-7-2011 big think again
9-7-2011 sargasso
15-8-2011 presurfer
16-8-2011 sargasso again
met dank aan Bismarck, verbeterd en aangevuld, en pas op: mogelijke deadlock in aantocht.