Mark Zuckerberg will soon appear before Congress to address recent news that a company called Cambridge Analytica harvested the data of some 50 million Facebook users in the service of its influence and propaganda campaigns. Members should use this opportunity to press Zuckerberg on Facebook’s collection, use, and sharing of sensitive user data — including on why the company has not taken more steps to prevent discriminatory ads that may run afoul of our civil rights laws.
Reacties (2)
Nog even wachten tot 11 april, jongstleden.
“I’m sorry, we did take action, though, as we did (many times ~M) before”.
~yawn. Aandachtshoeren krijgen waar men reeds zolang naar smacht. Verderop, ergens, las ik zelfs hoe men (verslaafden) ‘gebruik kon maken van Faecesboek, zonder tracking door’.
MUHAHAHAHAHAA, zuigertjes. Ga iets als GTST kijken, ofzo.