WikiLeaks hint op anti-Clinton onthullingen, levert natte scheet

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Over the course of two hours Tuesday — with the world’s media and bleary-eyed Trump die-hards across the United States tuning in — Assange and other WikiLeaks officials railed against “neo-McCarthyist hysteria,” blasted the mainstream press, appealed for donations and plugged their books (“40 percent off!”).

But what they didn’t do was provide any new information about Clinton — or about anything else, really.

Maar wacht: de échte onthullingen komen natuurlijk straks!

[Assange] promised to reveal documents every week for the next 10. He said some will have a direct bearing on the U.S. election.

“We think they’re significant,” he coyly informed his worldwide audience.

But what will they reveal? And when will they come? Assange wouldn’t say.

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Reacties (3)

#1 gbh

Julian Assange had nothing to say from the Embassy in London – not “Berlin” – about Hillary Clinton this morning, and the internet was not impressed. His shilling for Trump on behalf of Vladimir Putin has been noted throughout the press, including the New York Times.

#2 Frank N. Stein

@1: indrukwekkend staaltje van ad hominem ‘journalistiek’.

#3 Anoniem

Je mag wel een beetje meer begrip tonen voor Julian Assange die al jarenlang wordt opgejaagd door de Amerikanen vanwege de onthullingen die hij in het kader van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van de pers en in het belang van de hele mensheid heeft gemaakt en daardoor al 4 jaar in een ambassade opgesloten zit.

Misschien logisch dat je dan wat rare sprongen maakt af en toe?

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