United Nations swastika logo

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

screendumpOur dedicated reader Jan des Bouvrie brought to our attention a photoshopped logo of the United Nations portraying a swastika. This logo is depicted on the weblog DANEgerus whose author is an american right-wing libertarian in Oregon. In my opinion this is a severe offence of the humanitarian organisation which was established to prevent a repetition of World War II and the Holocaust. Strangely enough this DANEgerus guy claims to be a proud friend of Israel on his weblog? What are your jewish friends thinking of this swastika mister DANEgerus?


Reacties (9)

#1 Jan des Bouvrie

I am usually not that easily offended, but I think this is really crossing a line that should not be crossed. Of course I reacted on Mr. Danegerus’s weblog as well. (I am posting in English because I feel it would be unfair to critizise someone in a language he does not speak).

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#2 Dreknek

I would like to criticise the word critizise

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#3 Jan des Bouvrie

Well, at least English is not my native tongue (not that my spelling is much better in Dutch…)

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#4 caprio

I think you can use both depending if DANEgerus understands British or American.
I think it is the most briljant piece of art I have seen in years, and I immediately signed up as a Proud Friend, under the motto: Better a good neighbour than a far friend.

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#5 caprio

At least if it wasn’t for my dyslexia…

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#6 Jan des Bouvrie

@caprio, I fear that the saying you use is typically Dutch and most likely Danegerus lacks the intelligence to understand it.

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#7 caprio

it’s just my kind of humor to participate with false intentions.
I also sent him a link to the ‘help the settlers come home to Israel’ organization.

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#8 Jan des Bouvrie

Poor guy, he probably thinks he found a true supporter… Still, we can make jokes about it but I stick to my opinion that using swastikas, even in jest, is crossing a line.

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#9 DANEgerus

But the use of the swastika against Jews by the Arabs is OK?

I mock the United Nations as it fails to hold it’s members to it’s very own standards. So I ask you just how is a collection of tyrannies so legitimate as to be above criticism?

Perhaps you lack the intelligence to understand irony through the cloud of condescension you substitute for wit?

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