Bullshitter in Chief

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

De libertarische website Reason laat geen spaan heel van de deportatiewaanzin van volidioot Donald Trump, frontrunner bij de Republikeinen. Trump zei bij het laatste Republikeinse verkiezingsdebat dat hij 11 miljoen illegale immigranten wil deporteren.

Trump’s words bear no resemblance to reality. We should be used to this by now. He’s the Bullshitter-in-Chief.

More important, however, is that Trump would need a pumped-up police state to pull off the deportation 11 million people, many of whom have been in the country, and integrated into their communities for many years. They aren’t walking around wearing patches on their clothing saying, “UNDOCUMENTED.” (I should be careful about giving Trump ideas.)

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