Censors in the UK have ruled that a nipple from a breastfeeding woman has to be removed from an advertisement that promotes voting for the upcoming European elections. A huge gap seems to emerge between the Brittains and the continent because the clip will be shown uncut in the rest of Europe. The Dutch of course haven’t got the slightest clue what the fuss is all about. For us this sort of discussion is not interesting unless the breastfeeding women is the Holy Virgin. But since also Italy, Germany and France will show the advert at daytime, the prudish island is left isolated. With this attitude they seem to be drifting off towards the USA of the nationwide scandal that emerged when Janet Jackson showed her nipple during the Super Bowl. Maybe England can learn from the USA, however hypocritical their practice may seem, they are kind of consistent. The photographs of the humiliated Iraqi’s for instance show blurred genitals and buttcracks, so the children that are watching the news only have to cope with the idea of soldiers that are treating inmates like dogs, but in the resulting nightmares no buttcrack will appear, at least not clearly.
Updeet: Breaking Breastnews! In what can only be interpretated as a harsh political condemnation of the Brittish nipplepolicy actress Valeria Golino showed an entire breast on Italian television for ‘sette milioni di telespettatori’.
Reacties (4)
Goeie tietel!
Over de update: goed dat iemand in mijn afwezigheid toch nog een beetje het borstennieuws in de gaten houdt ;-)
It’s a dirty job….
Moeten we niks met die ‘beschaafde’ Bush?
Ja, het was een mooi weekend !!!