Hitler hears Trolololo song

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Reacties (3)

#1 Eduard Khil

Well yes well, oke here you go.

Pff, it was when I came from a musical festival in Sopot where I became a prize-winner. In Soviet times for a young singer to appear on TV screen one had to be a prize-winner or to be honored by the State. One of the songs I sang there was written by a composer Ostrovsky and he liked my performance. After I returned from Sopot he said: “I know you like classical music, especially Cavatina Figaro, I will write a song for you. A song with a following plot: John on a mustang is riding across a prairie to his love Mary who is waiting for him and knitting him a woolen sock.”

So there you go.


But really..I don’t understand a fricking thing why this guy (Carlos) keeps on associating me with Hitler!

What’s up dude? Obsessed or something or what?

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#2 Prrt

Ik vind deze kunstschennis van bijna dezelfde orde van impact als de mutilatie van Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue.
Ik mag hopen dat het origineel snel hersteld zal worden.

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#3 Bismarck

@2: “dezelfde orde van impact als de mutilatie van Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue”

Generlei impact dus?

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