800 babylijkjes gevonden bij katholiek opvanghuis in Ierland

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Wat een heerlijke combinatie toch weer: religie, misogynie en vreemde ideeën over buitenechtelijke seks en/of verkrachting. Het lijkt de Taliban wel:

Between 1925 and 1961, thousands of “fallen women” and their “illegitimate” children passed through the Home, run by the Bon Secours nuns in Tuam. […]

More than five decades after the Home was closed and destroyed — where a housing development and children’s playground now stands — what happened to nearly 800 of those abandoned children has now emerged: Their bodies were piled into a massive septic tank sitting in the back of the structure and forgotten, with neither gravestones nor coffins. […]

The grim findings, which are being investigated by police, provide a glimpse into a particularly dark time for unmarried pregnant women in Ireland, where societal and religious mores stigmatized them. Without means to support themselves, women by the hundreds wound up at the Home. “When daughters became pregnant, they were ostracized completely,” Corless said. “Families would be afraid of neighbors finding out, because to get pregnant out of marriage was the worst thing on Earth. It was the worst crime a woman could commit, even though a lot of the time it had been because of a rape.” […]

According to documents Corless provided the Irish Mail on Sunday, malnutrition and neglect killed many of the children, while others died of measles, convulsions, TB, gastroenteritis and pneumonia. Infant mortality at the Home was staggeringly high.

“If you look at the records, babies were dying two a week, but I’m still trying to figure out how they could [put the bodies in a septic tank],” Corless said. “Couldn’t they have afforded baby coffins?”

Special kinds of neglect and abuse were reserved for the Home Babies, as locals call them. Many in surrounding communities remember them. They remember how they were segregated to the fringes of classrooms, and how the local nuns accentuated the differences between them and the others. They remember how, as one local told the Irish Central, they were “usually gone by school age — either adopted or dead.”

Kortom: weer een fijn hoogtepuntje van onze joods-christelijke beschaving.

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Reacties (9)

#1 Anton

Zeker een fraai voorbeeld. Laten we terug gaan naar die tijd door de massa import van nog grotere achterlijkheid in het hier en nu een ‘verrijking’ te noemen.

#2 Djools

“Through the love of the Father present in the Sisters of Bon Secours, we are called by God and sent by the Church
To help people to wholeness;
To alleviate human suffering in all forms especially in the poor and dying;
To help others to an awareness of the redemptive meaning of suffering and death – and to an awareness of their relationship with the Father.
By…Reproducing in ourselves Christ healing… Christ consoling… Christ loving…
Christ always aware of the needs of others.”

Hier leggen god’s good helpers uit wat ze doen.

Hun facebookpagina is 883 keer geliked. Benieuwd of daar verandering in komt.

#3 qwerty

@1: Steek je kop maar in het zand jong. Je hebt zelfs geen idee van de slechtheid van de beschaving waar jij deel van uit maakt en die je propageert. Wellicht ben je teveel deel er van. Misschien moeten we eens bij jou in de achtertuin gaan graven.

#4 Anton

@3 Gevoelig snaartje geraakt bij een wegmetonzer?

#5 Anton
#6 qwerty

@4: Nee jochie, maar als je niet bereid bent naar jezelf te kijken kun je een ander niet zien. En jij toont alle tekenen van dat soort blindheid.

#7 Henk van S tot S

Ik roep alle goden uit het universum op zich te verzamelen voor het gebouw van de Verenigde Naties en zich voor het oog van de hele wereld te vernietigen; scheelt een hoop ellende ;-

#9 Henk van S tot S

Nee! er lopen meer sociaal gedefotmeerden rond ;-)

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