Apathie van voorbijgangers

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

By now, this video has made the rounds. Don’t watch if you don’t have a strong stomach. What is in there is a 2-year-old getting run over by a truck. The driver stops, then starts again and drives away, running her over a second time with the rear wheels. Then, a whole bunch of people just walk by (18 as filmed by surveillance cameras), swerving to avoid her body but nobody stops until a garbage worker does and the girl’s mother shows up, picks her up and walks away.

The scene took place in Foshan, one of these growing industrial cities in the Guangdong province. Of course, as reminiscent as this is of the Kitty Genovese case, that is often related to bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility (the lower probability of individuals offering assistance as the number of bystanders grows), this particular case is more shocking due to the fact that it’s a 2-year old.

Most explanations for this have actually centered on the fact that this area is populated with a lot of workers uprooted from rural areas and recently urbanized. So, we are getting an updated version of Ferdinand Tönnies’s idea of different modes of social integration: Gemeinschaft (the community mode of integration where ties are based on personal knowledge and similarities and where community needs might take precedence over individual preferences) as opposed to Gesellschaft (the association mode of integration, based on impersonal ties and where individualism is more likely to prevail).

The argument is that as people are uprooted from their rural communities and move on to the development zones of China, their Gemeinschaft ties disappear, to be replaced with more impersonal Gesellschaft ties where individuals are more likely to pursue their self-interest. This includes the relative indifference with which the different bystanders treat the dying / dead girl even as they acknowledge her presence, by swerving to avoid her body.

This phenomenon is not culturally specific. This bystander effect is constantly at work in many place, from the unconscious homeless people we step over, not stopping to check if he’s asleep, passed out, or dead in European cities, to the mentally ill woman, left to grovel on the ground in the middle of a busy market I witnessed in Livingstone, Zambia.

Reacties (17)

#1 Yevgeny Podorkin


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#2 Yevgeny Podorkin

Daar ben je toch een tikkie te laat mee socprof…

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#3 Yevgeny Podorkin

Nonetheless you are a little bit retarded there socprof…

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#4 Yevgeny Podorkin

Typical. Its just typical for the asian species. oke, there has been a trial against somebody who DID help in another case, in which he was sued for the injuries of the victim (careless handling). But you just don’t first drive over a child and then leave it for the Happy hunting grounds. I mean look how those fucking chinks treat animals, skinning racoons alive and shit…?


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#4.1 Berserk - Reactie op #4

Very mature

#4.2 Harm - Reactie op #4.1

Is dat commentaar nou bedoeld op de bovenstaande reactie of op de onderstaande reactie? Of op allebei?

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#4.3 Ernest - Reactie op #4.1


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#5 Prediker

In een land zo afgeladen, mist men één, twee peuters niet…

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#6 Bullie

Moet je dan tegenwoordig overal een mening over hebben? Verstand staat stil, woorden schieten tekort, maar toch even een reactie posten? En ik doe het zelf GVD ook… zieke wereld

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#7 Crachàt

Noteer dat het ziekste van het hele verhaal nog is: ergens een rechter die ooit een jonge mens veroordeeld heeft omdat het ouwe slachtoffer wat hem hielp, een proces aanspande. De rechter oordeelde de ouwe in z’n recht: die ander had ‘m maar niet moeten helpen.
Als daar een beschaving niet aan ten onder gaat…

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#7.1 vandyke - Reactie op #7

Dan is het maar goed dat je in Nederland wettelijk verplicht bent om een ander te helpen.

#8 Wobbe

In wake of Yueyue’s passing, another child-death tragedy strikes in Sichuan

Shanghaiist reports a similar incident in Sichuan province. According to one eyewitness, a truck driver accidentally ran into a five-year-old boy returning home from school, and then backed up to make sure he was killed in an apparent attempt to minimise financial penalties. Luzhou citizens have claimed the accident was actually cold-blooded murder.

Zhang Shifen witnessed the accident. “I saw the truck coming, the children were walking by the side of the road, not in the street.” Zhang Shifen recalls the truck didn’t hit Xiong Maoke directly, but rather cuffed his ear. “He fell, but after being knocked over, immediately stood up again and bent over to pick up his umbrella.”

The next scene left Zhang speechless, “I saw the truck move back a little and then move forward again, Xiong Maoke became wrapped up in the wheel, and then the truck continued forward another 10 meters.” Zhang Shifen said she was standing behind the truck, and clearly saw a child under the wheels had been badly mutilated. She shouted at the driver, “What are you doing? Will you stop!” The driver stopped, got out, swore, and turned away.
He then asked, “How much should I pay?”


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#9 NoName

Alsof een nieuwe maken zo moeilijk is……

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#10 weerbarst

Ik vond het wel sociaal dat busje 2 nog even een licht signaal gaf.

Ik zou er ook niks mee te maken willen hebben, maar zou op z’n minst even 112 bellen.

Verder oppassen voor de anti china videos de laatste tijd, heeft alles te maken met de financiele oorlog. (zinkende boot, crashende jet, platgereden kind)

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#10.1 Prediker - Reactie op #10

Foshan was a psy-op!!111!!!!

#10.2 Wobbe - Reactie op #10.1

: ))