SG-café vrijdag 03-02-2017

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Dit is het Sargasso-café van vrijdag 03-02-2017. Hier kan onder het genot van een virtueel drankje, nootje en/of kaasplankje alles besproken worden wat elders off topic is.

Reacties (7)

#1 Arjan Fernhout

Feiten en cijfers. Vox:

= “The 54 fatalities caused by Muslim-American extremists in 2016 brought the total since 9/11 to 123,” Kurzman writes. “More than 240,000 Americans were murdered over the same period.”

This year, Kurzman did something new. In light of news of a draft executive order that would indefinitely suspend entry to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries — Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somali, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen — Kurzman tried to figure out whether immigration from these countries, specifically, posed an special terrorist threat.

It didn’t. Muslim Americans with a background from these countries were not well-represented among the (very small) ranks of Muslim American terrorists. =

Uit het onderzoek van socioloog Charles Kurzman:

#2 Arduenn

Iemand valt militair aan met een mes net buiten het Louvre. Militair schiet, museum wordt geëvacueerd.

#3 Bismarck
#4 Arduenn

Besty “Intelligent Desing” DeVos kreeg zojuist een krappe meerderheid van de senaatstemmen.

Live stream:

#5 gbh

Did President Trump give orders to the Customs officials at Dulles to openly rebel against the courts? If so he will be facing charges of contempt of court. If he is found guilty during the hearing, he could be facing jail time.

#6 InterBaldwin

Vinden jullie Twitter leuk?

#7 Frank789

@5: Bipartisan Report is a pro-liberal, clickbait news outlet, known for creating heavily skewed headlines to appeal to the left.[1]

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