Nederland stuurt aan op moslim-holocaust

Foto: Sargasso achtergrond wereldbol

Nederland stuurt aan op moslim-holocaust

Bij ons worden er moskeeën opgeblazen en worden er moslimdiscriminerende wetten gemaakt…

In the â??liberal-mindedâ?? Netherlands, famous for its brutal and violent colonial history, racism is becoming part of Dutch values. Muslims have become targets of religiously motivated attacks. After the killing of an anti-Muslim fanatic and unknown Dutch film maker, Theo van Gogh, allegedly by a Dutch Muslim of African origin, after making the obscene film about Islam, the Netherlands erupted in anti-Muslim racism. The death of a Muslims-hater is used to justify much uglier crimes. Islamic schools and Mosques were bombed and set on fire. Muslim women were attacked throughout Holland. The rightwing Dutch government is embarking on anti-Muslim legislation to crack down on immigration and close-down â??suspectedâ?? Mosques, and give police power to arrest people of Muslim faith. Although Muslims make up about one million (6%) of the Dutch population, former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein, said recently; â??The most common first name registered at birth these days in Amsterdam is Mohammed. This, they say, is the Europe-to-beâ??.


Reacties (1)

#1 Mark

Ook weer zo’n tendentieus stukje. Wat nou “alledgedly by a Dutch muslim”? En wat nou “muslim women were attacked throughout Holland”?

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